Signature Events

Calendar of Events

Addressing the widely varying needs of Yuma County businesses, the Yuma County Chamber of Commerce provides relevant, responsive programming that focuses on every facet of business operation. Whether you’re a new business owner or a seasoned veteran, the Chamber offers events to assist and celebrate your success.

Every other Month - Good Morning Yuma

Good Morning Yuma is an upbeat, entertaining, and informative community breakfast that features a speaker and pertinent business and community announcements over the course of an hour and a half. Attendance ranges between 150 and 300 people. The breakfasts are held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 a.m. The deadline to register for a discount will be Friday at Noon.  

Monthly - Monthly Mixer

With an average attendance of over 100, Monthly Mixers are a great way to network.  Shake hands with future clients and fellow business people, meet community leaders, and pass out a few business cards. When you call on them next week, you can say, "Hey, we met at the Chamber Mixer!" Mixers are held monthly, typically on the 4th Wednesday of the month (exceptions would be if there is a holiday close to the date). The deadline to register for a discount for the mixer will always be Friday prior at noon.

February - Annual Dinner & Chance Auction

This annual gathering of business, government, and community leaders honors our local businesses and celebrates our community. Each February, we recognize the Small Businessperson of the Year, the Business of the Year, The Chamber Member of the Year,  the Ambassador of the Year, the Chamber Champion, the InstaGRAMMY, and The Athena International Award winner. We close the evening with a fun and exciting Chance Auction with nearly 100 prizes and a balloon Pop! 

Spring - Amazing Race Yuma County & Post-Race Reception

This fun event involves teams of four traveling to different business locations to compete in different challenges. The first Amazing Race in Yuma County was in June 2021 and was very successful! You can form a team, be a challenge location, or sponsor this fun and super popular event! The challenge is followed immediately by a post-race reception announcing the winners. 

Fall - MegaMixer and Community Business Expo

This event is an exciting showcase of our members! Members have exclusive rights to booths at this event attended by the community, giving each business one-on-one time with residents. Adding to the festive atmosphere, fun entertainment and food options are also available. The evening before, the Chamber hosts a MegaMixer attended by fellow members for even more networking opportunities.

December - Duck! Duck! Putt!

Come and join us for a fun-filled morning of mini-golf followed by a delicious treat of pizza and soft drinks. To add to the excitement, we also have a rubber duck race. Prices will be awarded for the lowest scores by the team; holes in one and one lucky duck in the rubber duck race will take home $1,000.